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FD Beck Insurance Brokers

Human Resource Consultants Insurance in Melbourne VIC

Protect yourself from potential claims

Human resource consultant’s insurance in Australia is your defense against potential claims. It gives consultants and consultancy business owners peace of mind whilst managing their client’s needs.

Regardless of how well you provide your services and advice, you are not immune to disgruntled clients.

Before that happens, check out FD Beck’s insurance policy packages for human resource consultants and consultancy business owners.

Get covered for legal defence costs and protect yourself against a third party claim for compensation by taking out a policy.

Why you need this insurance in Melbourne VIC?

Your recommended advice or activities can turn sour anytime. But with broad insurance cover for your human resources business, you can enjoy these benefits of a professional indemnity insurance policy. 

Types of Insurance that You Need in the Human Resources Industry

The following types of consultants’ insurance policies are required for your human resources consulting jobs.

human resource consultant in glasses talking to a business owner

Professional Indemnity Insurance in Melbourne

Professional Indemnity insurance protects you against claims made against you for loss suffered by a third party company arising out of you providing professional services.

Not only does it cover the claim for compensation, but it also covers the legal defence cost of dealing with it, from investigation to court hearings.

But how can a professional indemnity claim happen to you? Let’s say you advised a client to undertake necessary changes in their organisation, but your recommendation resulted in significant losses.

This is just one example of a potential issue that professional indemnity insurance can cover.

Public Liability Insurance

Public Liability Insurance safeguards you and your business from claims from a third party where your business has caused personal injury or property damage.

This insurance covers not only the claim for compensation if you are negligent but also the legal defence cost to deal with the matter.

For example, you a consulting business owner in Victoria whose employee caused damage to property while working? You can be held liable for this situation, and your public liability insurance policy can respond to the allegations accordingly.

Deal with These Potential Claims Efficiently

Some of these potential issues may come your way, so prepare for them beforehand.

Breach of the Fair Work Act

When dealing with recruitment and other employee-related issues, a human resource consultant can be exposed to a legal demand for allegedly breaching the Fair Work Act.

Breach of confidentiality

You can face an arduous legal battle if sensitive company information is made public during the recruitment process.

Breach of professional duty

When you or your company has a duty of care to a client, but fail to satisfy that standard, for example, wrong or making an error. For example conflict of interest in providing a recommendation or misrepresentation during the recruitment process.

Libel or slander

Libel or slander are types of defamatory statements (either written or spoken) that damage a client's reputation.

Loss of documents

Document lost or damaged whilst in your care.

Real threats make you vulnerable to expensive claims. Dealing with disgruntled clients and compensating for their losses can be stressful. That is why FD Beck’s wide network of insurers offer the right financial products and services. We understand the risks that your responsibilities pose and we ensure that we provide the right solutions for them.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much professional indemnity cover do I need?

Generally, a policy from a Professional Indemnity insurance in Victoria will provide between $250,000 and $5,0000,0000 of coverage. What is right for you will depend on the size of your business, the nature of your work, and any insurance contractual requirements you may have. Please talk to our Professional Indemnity insurance brokers for accurate advice and access to more information. 

Do all HR Consultants need to professional indemnity insurance?

All types of human resource consultants need this insurance. If you charge a fee for your service, then you need a PI policy.

I have a budget for human resources insurance coverage. Can you create a package based on my budget to ensure security?

Yes, our professional insurance broker can personally discuss specific coverage based on your budget. Please call our phone number any time.

Is there a way for a new quote to be provided online?

Yes, For your convenience, FD Beck has a free online insurance quoting tool tailored for HR Consultants. What’s handy, is that FD Beck’s online PI insurance calculator offers limits options of $500,000, $1,000,000, $2,000,000 and $5,000,000. Better still, our online calculator includes other products such as Public Liability and Cyber Insurance. That’s just to name a few.

Consultants We Offer In Insurance Coverage

  1. Advertising Consulting
  2. Aged Care Consulting
  3. Agricultural Consulting
  4. Air Cargo Consulting
  5. Air Pollution Consulting
  6. Aquaculture Consulting
  7. Business Process Consulting
  8. Catering Consulting
  9. Change Management Consulting
  10. Communication Consulting
  11. Compliance Consulting
  12. Education Consulting
  13. Energy Consulting
  14. Engineers and Construction Consulting
  15. Entomology Consulting
  16. Environmental Consulting
  17. Flora & Fauna Consulting
  18. Food Consulting
  19. Forestry Consulting
  20. Freight Forwarding Consulting
  21. Geological Consulting

  22. Government Consulting
  23. Health and Safety Consulting
  24. Heritage Consultants
  25. Home Sustainability Consulting
  26. Horticultural Consulting
  27. Hospital Consulting
  28. Hotel Consulting
  29. Human Resource Consulting
  30. Hygiene Consulting
  31. Image Consulting
  32. Industrial Relations Consulting
  33. Lapidary Consulting
  34. Management Consulting
  35. Market Research Consulting
  36. Marketing Consulting
  37. Materials Handling Consulting
  38. Mediation Consulting
  39. Meteorological Consulting
  40. Motel Consulting
  41. Multimedia Consulting
  42. Museum Consulting
  43. Natural Resource Consulting
  44. Numismatics Consulting
  45. Occupational Health and Safety Consulting
  46. Oceanographic Consulting
  47. Odour Pollution Consulting
  48. Organisation Design Consultants Insurance
  49. Philatelic Consulting
  50. Pool Safety Consulting
  51. Public Relations Consulting
  52. Quality Assurance Consulting
  53. Risk Management Consulting
  54. Recruitment Consulting
  55. Research and Policy Advisory Consulting
  56. Sewerage Consulting
  57. Shipping Consulting
  58. Solar Energy Consulting
  59. Strategic Planning Consulting

  60. Telecommunication Consulting
  61. Textile Consulting
  62. Tourism Consulting
  63. Traffic Management Consulting
  64. Training Consulting
  65. Transportation Consulting
  66. Viticulture Consulting
  67. Waste Management Consulting
  68. Water Conservation Consulting
  69. Water Pollution Consulting
  70. Wind Energy Consulting
  71. Wine Industry Consulting
  72. Winemakers Consulting
  73. Workflow Efficiency Consulting
  74. Writers Consulting